Fractured-Cracked-Tooth in Moscow
Cracked/Fractured Tooth
A fractured tooth may or may not cause pain in the beginning.
However, it needs to be treated early to avoid future complications. If
the fracture is big, you may need emergency treatment.
Types of fractures/cracks
Small fractures. These may not cause pain but do
need to be treated to avoid future problems.
Cusp fractures. These are cracks that occur on a
dental filling. They don’t cause much pain but still need
Deep tooth fractures. These fractures go deep into
the full length of the tooth. These are painful and require emergency
Split tooth fractures. These fractures split the
tooth into pieces. They go deep into the gum line. Saving the tooth
becomes difficult.
Vertical fracture. A vertical fracture starts from
the root and cracks upwards. It may not be painful at the beginning but
can easily get infected and cause bigger problems.
If you notice a crack or you feel an unexplained toothache, book an
appointment for an examination.